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Supporting clients with leave in days

Encouraging clients to educate their employees

Employers should explain to their staff why leave applied for is shown in either hours or days.

Improving Affinity to make life easier for everyone

We have system features which help to prevent clients from making mistakes, encouraging them to think about what they’re doing when it comes to leave in days. Here are some examples:

  • Placing error, warning and instructional messages against critical masterfile fields.

  • Providing online help and pop-up hints that explain how each Affinity field works.

  • Offering an auditing service that helps clients to optimise their configuration for leave in days.

For Affinity staff, we also have interactive guides here in Stonly which help us to understand the various scenarios and any required configuration.

Showing clients some (tough) love

Sometimes we need to have a grown-up chat with our clients about converting their leave units.

If a client asks us about changing the way certain leave units are configured, or they're insisting on implementing a particular way, we need to ask some specific questions to discover exactly why they want to do this.

We don’t want to scare them off, but we want to help them arrive at the right decision. We also want them to understand how much pre-work may be required to ensure that compliance is met (or maintained).

There are a few simple steps to get them there...