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Affinity's approach to Super compliance

Areas of Affinity involved

How we utilise each functional area

We use a combination of pay elements (to drive calculations), super info fund masterfiles (to define fund details), and employee masterfiles (to record funds and pay elements). Here's a quick look at how we do it:

  • Standard pay elements are configured for employer contributions and voluntary employee deductions. Contribution caps can be applied per pay period, per month, or annually via the pay element config (necessary for a number of reasons).

  • For each Super fund used by employees in an organisation, a super fund info masterfile is created to define things like fund name, ABN, and product name or USI.

  • The relevant Super-related pay elements are added to employee masterfiles and the fund is also recorded against each pay element to tell the system which fund contributions and any voluntary deductions will be paid into.

  • For Super that's calculated based on a percentage of a group of earnings, a code group can be set up to contain the pay elements that this percentage is calculated on.

  • Remittance reports are generated from Affinity (a mix of standard payroll reports and Crystal Reports) either each pay period or as needed.

  • A Super interface file (SAFF file) containing details of fund contributions is generated and sent electronically to the employer's chosen Super clearing house who then disburses payments to individual employee funds (Affinity currently provides a ClickSuper interface but there are other options for clients with a different clearing house).