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ACC-related policies

Before Affinity can be configured to make ACC payments to employees and track them for the purposes of leave calculations, you will need a full understanding of ACC-related policies currently in place. For example, some employers choose to top up the first-week payment by 20% to increase it from 80% to 100%. This information will impact how pay elements are configured in the Affinity system.

Pay elements and code groups

Payments made to employees are managed using pay elements that are specific to ACC. You'll need to set these up. In addition, some (but not all) pay elements will need to be added to certain system code groups.

Clever Forms

A form that captures information relating to the employee's ACC journey is helpful for employers and will need to be created.

Work schedules

Best practice is that all employees have a work schedule managed in Affinity Schedules.

Leave applications

All ACC-related leave must be applied for in Self Service Leave (SSL) without exception.

Now, let's go through each task in detail.